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FilkCONtinental 2024

October 03 - 06, 2024 at the Music Youth Hostel Wernigerode, Harz mountain, Germany

We are back in 2024 with a 4-day-jubilee-Convention! 25th FilkCONtinental / 10 years at the location in Wernigerode

Guests of Honor 2024:
Three Weird Sisters (USA)
Brenda Sutton, Gwen Knighton,
Dr. Mary Crowell and Teresa Powell

The Registration is open now!

A special con for all bards of the future, minstrels of the past and musicians of the present. A con for music-loving ScienceFiction and Fantasy fans with a liking for folky sound, handmade music, but also for parodies or catchy rhythms. Workshops about music (and sometimes even more unusual subjects) are likely to catch your attention. Be surprised! A con to singalong or to just listen and watch.

For further information look here: NEWS...

Everything you need to know about registration, con location and organisation can be found

Only -19 days left to FilkCONtinental!

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