con fee | accomodation | registration forms | online-registration


UKP = British Pounds | USD = US Dollar (please find the EUR rates on the German page)
Please note! Due to fluctuations in the currency exchange rate we reserve
the option of adapting membership fees and other costs according to
the current
rate, should it become necessary.

con fee (whole weekend) per person children
(6-12 years)
plush toys & infants (badge)
until 31. March 2004 20 UKP
38 USD
tba 1UKP
from 1. April 2004 22 UKP
42 USD
tba 2USD
supporting membership
(includes PRs, badge and programme book)
Europe: 13 EUR / 9 UKP
Worldwide: 19 USD

day guests
per person/day
20 EUR / 14 UKP
17 EUR / 12 UKP

In addition to the con fee, you have to pay for the youth hostel and meals (full board), as follows.


overnight stay / meals per person per child (3-6 years)
Friday - Sunday 
(full board Fri. dinenr til Sun. dinner) 
38 UKP
72 USD
Friday - Monday
(full board Fri. dinner til Mon. breakfast) 
50 UKP
94 USD
Bed sheets included in the price, you don't need to bring them, but please think of bringing towels!
Meals for day guests 3,20 UKP per meal
6 USD per meal

Children aged 3 - 5 years do not have to pay any con fee. However, youth hostel costs have to be paid.
Children under the age of 3 are free, but have to be registered.

Registration form / Online registration:

The registration form can be downloaded here:

WinWord (.doc) - coming soon
ASCII-Text (.txt) - coming soon
Rich Text-Formular (.rtf) - coming soon
Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)

We will also provide a possibility to register online, later this year. Please bear with us for a while.

If you haven't been to FilkCONtinental in a previous year and would like to receive a PR1, please write to Kirstin Tanger (address see below).

Please send registration to :
Kirstin Tanger
Am Rosenhag 24a
D - 12623 Berlin
Phone: (+49)-30-49766569 (with answering machine)

Name of bank: Dresdner Bank
Bank code: 120 800 00
Account no.: 4389 2529 00
Name of account holder: Volker Tanger
Purpose: "FilkCONtinental 2004" and your (civil/full) NAME

We will send you a registration confirmation after receipt of payment (con and hostel), with our PR2.

Registration deadline is July 20th, 2004


Conditions of participation

Due to organising and insurance coverage reasons all participants have to accept the following conditions:

1. Personal data will be electronically stored for administrative reason, but will not be given away for commercial purposes.

2. You are liable for any damages you might cause. That includes personal injury, material damages and damages under the law of property as well as any claims due to copyright violation.

3. The rules of the youth hostel have to be observed, otherwise an exclusion from the convention is possible.

4. If you withdraw your registration please note that a money refund is only possible if you have informed the committee by 20. July 2004 at the latest. Afterwards, con fee and youth hostel costs will not be refunded. It is possible to let somebody else take over your booked place even after the registration deadline.

5. The committee has to be informed in writing (by post/ by e-mail) about the withdrawal/replacement.

6. If payment is not effected by the end of the registration period the booking will be cancelled.


Webdesign: Katy Dröge * last updated: 01.03.04