Okay, here we go: the site can go live, first PR is ready to be sent out, and you can download a registration form as .pdf by now.

And now, the webmistress is off to the British con, and will continue working on the site once she's back :)

- Katy, 05.02.04

Whenever there will be something new to announce, we will do it on this page. At the moment we're still recovering from the last convention and take a few deep breaths, but we'll be back in the beginning of 2004 latest. Then you can also find the Progress Report 1 and registration forms online.

In the meantime, we're looking forward to the FilkCONtinental 1999/2000 CD that will *finally* be released soon - you can order it at Edition Pegasus.

For the German speaking persons, a look at the messageboard is recommended, too - additional infos/news and messages from other filkers can be found there.

- Katy, 08.11.03







Webdesign: Katy Dröge * last updated: 05.02.04